The man who deserts a woman with a love-child feeds a lioness at home and broods a nest of sorrows. He will grow up to discover with great horror that one does not sire and desert a love-child just because one is capable of doing so, there is need to love them and develop friendship with them while raising them. But this inalienable truth is lost on some Nigerian men. Raised in a culture that permits a man to marry more than one wife, many a Nigerian man has seized the opportunity to sow wild oats in the womb of their first loves and concubines, often deserting the latter to ‘take care’ of the unwanted pregnancies that result from their sexual escapades.
The question on the lips of many is: what manner of future is bequeathed on these luckless children and what ought to be the responsible and humane position on the issue, on the part of parents? Next week, Society Happenings will reveal the names of top celebs including foremost politicians, bankers, and other high net-worth socialites that have love children outside their much-celebrated nuclear marriages. Yours truly will also oblige you the gritty details of how these poor children are struggling to survive and gain acceptance in a world where the unwanted love-child is automatically labeled a ‘bastard.’