Taiwo Yemitan, recently arrested alongside his twin brother Kehinde for luring and killing a young girl for ritual purpose in Abeokuta, Ogun State, has opened on their mode of operation as serial killers in an exclusive audio file obtained by Head of Investigation, KUNLE AKINRINADE. Taiwo revealed how the abduction and killing of their last victim was orchestrated as well as the events that culminated in his arrest at the point of selling the victim’s head for N100,000.
They are a pair of twins, the very kind that many people pray to have, particularly among the Yoruba who regard the birth of twins as a harbinger of good fortunes for the parents involved.
But 47-year-old Taiwo and Kehinde Yemitan are anything but good fortunes. Rather than project their family name or make their parents proud, they became a huge source of embarrassment as alleged serial killers.…CONTINUE READING